IQ/OQ/PQ_KK qualification

IQ/OQ/PQ_KK qualification

IQ/OQ/PQ_KK qualification

530 In stock
P/N: 05-9090-2020-1110001

installation qualification check list (IQ), operation qualification (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ). Contains:
-temperature correctness test of the device (1 measurement point in geometrical center of the chamber) at 3 temperatures selected by Laboratory from the whole temperature range of the device,
-spatial (homogeneity and fluctuation) temperature distribution in 9 or 10 measurement points and humidity distribution in 3 measurement at one, chosen by the User temperature and humidity in the empty and filled chamber (the chamber is filled in 60%).
There is a possibility for further spatial temperature and humidity distribution tests in more measurement points (additionally paid).
Measurements are confirmed with the issue of Qualification Protocol. Measurement period: app. 2-3 days. Measurements are performed at POL-EKO Measurement Lab.